Thursday, February 02, 2006
Monday, January 30, 2006
I pity da fool

I'm pretty sure that everyone has seen this by now, but just in case your to lazy to go outside at night the nerds have done it for you again with Astronomy pic o' the day...neat.
Little known fact- the Apple Newton was originally designed by the eventual creator of Palm Inc. - Donna Dubinsky. *Even smaller - takes you strait to Apple. Think on that.
Today's song o' the day comes from the UK - ritz to the rubble - Arctic Monkeys
Monday, January 23, 2006
"they" are watching

There is a growing use of RFID (Radio Fequency Identification) in the world these days. Walmart has incorporated this technology on a world wide level, average Joe's have implanted chips into their hand, and millions of products are being packaged along with an RFID chip as you read this including beer kegs. These RFID tags are allowing companies to track their entire inventory the second it comes in/out the door. They help lost pets get back to their owners. Lugage to be tracked with incredible accuracy. They allow an average Joe to open his garage door, pay for groceries, start his car, and in case of emergencies, can have his complete medical record available anywhere without carrying keys or a wallet. Imagine walking into a store and picking up what you want, then walking out the door without having to wait in the checkout line. Without getting arrested for shop lifting. Simple, the RFID chip implanted in you hand is linked to your credit card, and when you walk out the door, sensors in the door frame read and charge the account for your selection which is packaged with a RFID chip. The possibility of this has been around for years, but due to a increased availability, and smaller size it is now becoming a reality for anyone who wants to embrace it. What price do we pay for such a convenience? What effect will this have on our privacy? The RFID chips are passive, which means that they only generate a signal when queried by an outside device. The average range is from 3-5 inches but can be amplified up to 30 feet. How hard would it be for someone with the right equipment to walk by and "steal" your credit card without ever touching it? How hard would it be for your progress to be tracked as you walk from store to store in the mall? Will those stores then remember your interests and record them for use at a later date? This is just the beginning, and these are all questions that you need to ask before you willingly embrace this technology. Research ways to protect your most important possession -yourself- Find out what "they" are doing to protect you, and what may potentially harm you. Look around for RFID "shielded"wallets and purses. Try not to take it to an extreme but it can pay to be a little paranoid. That's all for today thanks for reading all of this. Please post a comment if you have any further thoughts.
Song o' the day - Father and Daughter - Paul Simon
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Friday, January 20, 2006

Now, we've all heard of people being eaten by snakes and I bet most of us have said, "If a snake tried to eat me, I'd blah, blah, blah and get away. Well, this is a Python and they're extremely aggressive and have a few teeth that they use to hold their prey while they wrap around them and then constrict. Could you get away if this one bit you and held on with it's "few teeth?" (Note: the wires are 10 inches apart.)
On a more uplifting note, the Song o' the day Don't worry be happy by Bobby McFarrin
Plus a great Ad.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
armed and extremely dangerous

Ever wonder what would happen if you dug a hole through the center of the earth. Where would you pop out? Australia, China, underwater? Well now you'll know.
Apple has done it again and released yet another iPod this new and improved device is incredibly small and has been dubbed the iPod flea.
Today's song o' the day will change your life - Caring is Creepy - the Shins.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
goes down extra smooth

Cell phone companies are already making a ridiculous amount of money off you every month, yet they still charge 99รง or more for 411/information calls. So save some dough and call 1-800-FREE-411 without incurring a charge at all except for the minutes required to make the call. (Works on home phones to.)
Since it's legal to make a copy of purchased CDs and DVDs. Why not make a copy of your drivers license, or school ID for personal backup?
Today's song o' the day will inspire you to buy a guitar and go on tour Over the Hills - Led Zepplin